The beatification of Archbishop Eduard Profittlich, which will take place on 17 May 2025 in Tallinn's Town Hall Square, the place where Pope John Paul II consecrated the Missal in 1993, is a historic moment of love for the Catholic Church in Estonia.

This extraordinary event invites us all to celebrate with dignity and unity the life, faith and love of one man in Christ and to pay homage to his martyrdom and, as sacred theology says, martyrdom is the highest form of holiness!

Such a celebration, however, requires considerable human and material resources: the organisation of the Holy Mass in Town Hall Square, the preparation of the entire venue, logistics, the reception of pilgrims, marketing, the broadcasting of the event on ETV, as well as the costs associated with the solemn liturgy, etc. The list could go on and on.

In addition to the Blessed Sacrament ceremony, we also want to complete the fitting-out of the crypt chapel in St Peter and Paul Cathedral, which, after the Blessed Sacrament, will be the first new chapel in the world dedicated to the Blessed Virgin (with a museum section). This is our gift to Archbishop Eduard Profittlich, who so loved our church here in Maryland.

Today, we appeal to your generosity to help make this a day to remember. Your donation, however small, is a precious stone in the spiritual edifice we are now building together. Every contribution will help to make this event accessible to all and will bear witness to the vitality of our faith.

By making a donation, you are not only supporting the practical organisation of the event, but you are also participating spiritually. It is a way of saying "yes" to the light that Archbishop Profittlich carried and that we are called to pass on in turn. 


Rooma-Katoliku Kirik Eestis
IBAN : EE611010220267043227
Reference: Eduard Profittlich

Together, let us give glory to God by honouring the memory of this great witness of faith..

We thank you in advance for your generosity and entrust the preparation of this blessing to your prayers. Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to the process over the years. It has borne fruit and is now coming to fruition!

God bless you abundantly.

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